Growing Ginger in your own kitchen


I’ve decided to grow multiple tropical plants that we can grow indoors that produce food inside (instead of flowers that only look pretty).

I’ve started growing:

And the latest is Ginger!

How do you grow your own Ginger?

Well, when I was at the grocery store, I noticed that several of the ginger roots had little buds coming off the end (I should have taken a picture).  They looked like they were ready to grow, so I broke off ginger so there was about 1 inch of ginger attached to the bud and planted in soil.

I have also read that you can let the ginger soak in water to remove any growth inhibitors, and then plant in soil.

The ginger isn’t growing as fast as the turmeric, however it is growing.

Here is is after about 2 weeks of growth.

Growing Ginger in a Pot (2 weeks growth)