
Jan 042015


On this site I will share all the things that I love.  I’ve found that often many other people like what I do, so… why not share my experiences and how I’m creating my best life… maybe we can learn together!?

These will encompass everything from Travel, work, dream jobs and working for yourself and online, to neat things that look awesome to get, living green, self improvement and awesome recipes that I’ve found and actually tried!


The main things that I’ll be sharing on this website include:

My photos – I’m not a professional photographer, but I’ve been told that my pictures are ok. I love to take macro photos, and underwater photos, but also everything in between… and so I’ll share my best pics here to… Eventually selling these online too!

Neat stuff – I’ll share neat things that look awesome or that I own and love (or wish that I owned). These will be often shared through Amazon links.  This means I get commissions (same price to you) if you purchase them, but I only recommend things that I think have awesome reviews.  Plus, I share links through Amazon, because I use the site, and I find there to be great prices, excellent selection, plus reviews are there, so I can see what others think too!  Check out my page on my favourite books.

Awesome jobs, working for yourself and online – I’m going to share some of the great jobs that I’ve had – from Scuba Instructor to Canoe guide and also share my journey of creating an online income.

Travel – this is a huge passion of mine, but not just a dream for everyone else, I’ll also share

Finances – how you can save money, make more and how to live on less (anywhere in the world). Plus, I also hope to share how my blog is making me money and how much for inspiration and also to help… cause the best life is one where we help others succeed too!

Green housing – if you set-up your life to not only be better for the environment, you can also save money by having lower electrical bills, to paying less for batteries if you look for stuff that’s green

Green Living – this I’ll share ways to make your life more green as I studied environmental science and want to help people to help the environment.

Self-Improvement – when I come across things to improve your life, I’ll share these as we are all on a constant journey of self-improvement and growing

Recipes – I am have a gluten intolerance and so cannot eat wheat, barley or rye and have been a vegetarian for nearly 18 years!  So… cooking has become something that I enjoy, am pretty good at and love to explore.

And finally…

Health & Diet – what blog would be whole without a few good recipes and health tips. Since I’m gluten-free vegetarian, my recipes will be vegetarian or even vegan and gluten-free. Plus, I’ll only post recipes that I’ve tried and that taste delicious!  I also hope to share my story on why I went gluten-free…


Please check out the links and tabs (as they are added) to find-out more.


I hope you enjoy these pages and please share with your friends on whatever social media you use – from Facebook to Twitter and everything in between!

