Growing a Coffee Plantation in Canada


I love plants and recently have preferred growing plants that I can use their produce.  I bought a lemon tree  last year because their flowers have an incredible scent.

A few weeks ago I drove past a huge greenhouse (in winter in Canada!) and decided to see what they had.

I noticed coffee plants, and though I don’t drink coffee, thought it would be neat to have a coffee plant.  I bought a second one for my mom for Christmas.

I brought them home, but my mom accidentally put it too close to the window and frosted the leaves.

Coffee Plant

Coffee Plant with frost bitten leaves

So… I decided to do some research on the plant to see what it liked.  I found this great webpage that explained more.

I found out that I can, with my one ‘plant’, split the plants and grow a bunch of coffee trees.  So, we went from having 2 pots of coffee plants, to 18 plants!!!

Transplanting Coffee plants

Transplanting Coffee Plants

Coffee plants

Part way through transplanting coffee plants

Indoor coffee plantation

From one pot to 18 pots of coffee plants

Watering coffee plants

Watering coffee plants

Now I have 18 coffee plants!!!

I’ll keep you posted on how well they do.

I’ve read that the flowers smell incredible!  Hopefully they do well enough indoors in Canada.

Canadian Coffee plantation here we come!!!


Update Spring 2017:

My plants have taken off!  They are doing much better, and have grown many more leaves!

Coffee Plants doing much better with some sunshine and lovin’!