Delicious Gluten Free Vegan Recipes


Having been gluten free for a few years and vegetarian (aiming for vegan which is hard due to the gf factor) for 18 years, I have had to try lots of recipes.

Below is a list of recipes that I have tried, and tested on my mom and we’ve both enjoyed and have been added to my own tried and true recipe book.



Super Easy Creamy Sweet Potato Lentil Soup.

This is a go-to when I only have a few ingredients in the house.  Easy and delicious (tastes more difficult than it is).  I’ve only had great remarks and fed it to several friends, family and guests!

It needs: Lentils, Sweet potato, Canned Tomatoes, Coconut milk, Garlic, Cumin

Recipe for Creamy Lentil Sweet Potato Soup.


Russian Potato Soup

Traveling in Thailand, one of the very yummy restaurants was run by a sweet Russian lady.  She made this soup for me that I’d never had before (I’d only ever had creamy mushroom before).  But it was yummy, and when I came back to Canada, I looked it up online and found this recipe.  It’s only Vegetarian, but easily converted to Vegan (olive oil for butter and veg broth for chicken broth).  Tastes Very yummy!



One thing that many vegans and vegetarians miss is their burgers.  I’ve tried a few and these ones taste delicious.  They may fall apart easily on a bar-b-que, but they taste fantastic if made in a pan.

Portabello Vegetarian Mushroom Burgers

If you like Mushrooms, you’ll love these Burgers.  They can be made Vegan and cheaper by substitutions such as – GF Soy Sauce instead of Worcestershire Sauce, Ground Flax instead of ‘gf bread’ crumbs, nutritional yeast grated with walnuts instead of parmesan, flax eggs instead of eggs).  Either way, these Portobello Mushroom Burgers are yummy!

Holiday Meal Ideas (Christmas, Thanksgiving…)

Lentil Loaf

I tried this for Christmas, with mushroom/onion gravy and the stuffed squash below.  Tasted delicious.  Great for meat eaters and vegans alike!  Instead of oats I used ground flax.  I think I should have used more (I didn’t follow recipe exactly).  The full Lentil Loaf recipe here. 

Stuffed Acorn Squash

This squash and stuffing recipe is great as it replaces regular turkey stuffing,but is healthier and tastier.  I ate it with my own onion and mushroom gravy (fried onions with sautéed mushrooms and a bit of water added with spices – garlic, sage, rosemary, thyme and then mix in some corn starch to thicken it).  For the stuffing for the squash I added extra of the spices – rosemary, thyme, sage and garlic and found it quite tasty.  The full recipe is here.


I’m not a big fan of Vinegar, and so prefer salad dressings with lemon instead. These ones are delicious!

Super Easy Chickpea Greek Salad

This recipe has lots of protein and so for me, can be a yummy main course lunch as there is protein in the Chickpeas.  It’s found on pintrest.


Desserts and Baking

Gluten Free Vegan Carrot Cake

This one is pretty easy, and tastes delicious.  When I make it, I add half the sugar, half the salt and double the spices (my mom’s baking trick).  Yum yum!
Recipe for Gluten free Vegan Carrot cake.

Flour-less Chickpea Blondies

These protein-packed Desserts are delicious.  I first saw them online, and wanted to make them. But… its was summer and much too hot to turn the oven on, so I made it, put it in a greased pan and stuck in the freezer till colder weather.  Much loved and eaten quickly by myself and my mom!  Check out these blondies now!


Pumpkin Truffles

These are perfect for Thanksgiving.  Mine didn’t work out exactly like the recipe (I didn’t put enough flour I think as I’m not one to follow recipes to an exact ‘T’), but they were yummy none-the-less.  Find the actual recipe here. 


Chocolate Mousse

For me, all I use is Silken tofu and Semi-sweet chocolate (melted).  Blend together and VOILA!  Everyone that’s tried it has loved it, and couldn’t tell it was tofu.  I use it in the morning instead of yogurt and eat it topped with fruit (whatever is cheapest and in season).  Find the ‘real’ Chocolate pot recipe here.

Black Forest Trifle

I tried this recipe and though, when I tried it it didn’t look like the picture, it tasted great and that was all that mattered.  I didn’t have any vanilla in the house, so used Baileys instead.  And, accidentally added the flavourings to the coconut cream before blending (this is added AFTER it gets thick), so I fixed it by freezing the contents in the freezer till they were thicker and cold and then blended. Great and delicious light recipe!  (Double the coconut cream – its yummy!!!)

Black Forest Trifle

My attempt at Black Forest Trifle (tastes better than my poor presentation).


Hope you enjoy.  Come back often as I’ll be adding more recipes as I find them.

Check out my other projects at my home page.